Approve IIAs

Approve IIAs

In order to approve a specific IIA, you have to open it in Single View and click the Approve IIA button at the bottom right of the page.


To open an IIA in single view, you just have to visit the IIA>IIA List menu in the EWP Dashboard and click anywhere on the IIA you’re interested to. Note that you can’t approve an IIA that’s in Draft status.

Common Errors

If you click on Approve IIA and the IIA on your partner’s side has differences in comparison with the IIA on your side (e.g. different or outdated cooperation conditions), then the following error message is shown on the top of your screen:

IIA approval validation failed because the partner's copy is different from your own. A notification was sent to the partner with your latest changes.

If you click on OK, an error dialog will also appear at the bottom left side of your screen informing you that the IIA’s approval has failed.

Your partner will then receive a notification with your version of the IIA, and when they review it you will be able to continue with the IIA negotiation. Keep in mind that while the IIA is in this mismatched state, you will still be able to make edits but will not be able to approve the IIA.

IIA Statuses & Actions

A. If you are the creator of the IIA:


Why this status appears

Action(s) you can perform

Color Indicator


Why this status appears

Action(s) you can perform

Color Indicator


IIA created and can only be seen by somebody in your HEI. The partner IIA ID is empty or identical to your ID.

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’


Submitted by you

IIA created or edited by somebody in your HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’


Approved by you

IIA approved by somebody in your HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’


Submitted by partner

IIA edited by somebody in the partner HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’ or ‘Approve'


Approved by partner

IIA approved by somebody in the partner HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’ or ‘Approve'


Approved by all

IIA approved by somebody in your HEI and your partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Modify' or 'Terminate’


Terminated by you

IIA terminated by somebody in your HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert’ or ‘Approve'


Termination approved by you

IIA termination approved by somebody in your HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert'


Terminated by partner

IIA terminated by somebody in the partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert’ or ‘Approve'


Termination approved by partner

IIA termination approved by somebody in the partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert' or ‘Approve'


Termination approved by all

IIA termination approved by somebody in your HEI and your partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Modify'


B. If the IIA was created by your partner HEI:


Why this status appears

Action(s) you can perform

Color Indicator


IIA created by someone in the partner HEI and was sent as a proposal to Dashboard. Two different IIA IDs are shown.

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’


Submitted by partner

IIA edited by somebody in the partner HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’ or ‘Approve'


Approved by partner

IIA accepted and approved by somebody in the partner HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’ or ‘Approve'


Submitted by you

IIA edited by somebody in your HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’ or ‘Approve'


Approved by you

IIA approved by somebody in your HEI

‘Edit’ or ‘View’ or ‘Delete’


Approved by all

IIA approved by somebody in your HEI and your partner HEI



Terminated by you

IIA terminated by somebody in your HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert’ or ‘Approve'


Termination approved by you

IIA termination approved by somebody in your HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert'


Terminated by partner

IIA terminated by somebody in the partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert’ or ‘Approve'


Termination approved by partner

IIA termination approved by somebody in the partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Revert' or ‘Approve'


Termination approved by all

IIA termination approved by somebody in your HEI and your partner HEI

‘View’ or ‘Modify'


*This status appears only if your partner uses a system other than Dashboard. The IIA needs to be edited and submitted by you.

You/your partner can edit the IIA as many times as needed at any step of the procedure, even in Approved by your partner/you status. The IIA’s status will alternate between Submitted by you/partner values until both parties approve it.

Quick Guide:

  1. Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  2. Updated EWP IIA API (version 7)

  3. Access & Default View of IIAM (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  4. Filter & Sort IIAs

  5. Review an IIA (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  6. Default IIA Data (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  7. New Digital IIA

  8. Upload IIAs

  9. Edit IIAs

  10. Modify IIAs

  11. Approve IIAs Untitled-20240402-083757.png

  12. Terminate IIAs

  13. Approve IIAs' Termination

  14. Revert IIA

  15. Delete IIA

  16. Notify Partner

  17. Export IIAs


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