Transcript of Records (ToR)

Transcript of Records (ToR)

In this section, the Transcript of Records (ToR) is described. ToR is one of the final documents after a student completes the academic mobility period abroad. 

This functionality is in the early release phase. This means the usage of this functionality is not mandatory and not yet to be used at scale. At this stage institutions are encouraged to gain some first-hand experience by exploring the functionalities on a voluntary basis and share feedback.

Table of Contents:

When to use ToR

ToRs are filled when the learning agreement is finalized and its status is:

  • Signed by student/sending/receiving

  • Changes signed by student/sending/receiving

The ToR of a specific OLA can be found by opening the student’s learning agreement and clicking on the Transcript of Records menu item.

Update ToR Mobility Date

The mobility start and end dates within the ToR table can be updated by the Receiving Institution to reflect the students' actual start and end dates for their Erasmus mobility. Once the Receiving Institution updates the mobility dates to the actual start and end dates, these new dates will also be visible in the Sending ToR table on the EWP Dashboard.


Receiving HEI - The ToR/OLA belongs to an incoming student

After a student completes the academic mobility period abroad, the EWP Dashboard user at the Receiving HEI may View, Edit, Add or Delete any property under the ToR menu section.

  1. View: view the auto-generated ToR, which is the Learning Agreement Table A + Changes to Table A (A2).


  1. Edit: Change a course's code, title, grade, ECTS or mark as successfully completed. You can make the changes needed just by clicking on the yellow pencil icon:

    In the new dialog that appears, you can modify:
    a. Component Code
    b. Component Title: the course’s title.
    c. Grade: the student’s score for this course.
    d. Number of ECTS credits: the ECTS for this course.
    e. Successfully completed: by enabling this option, you state that the student has completed the specific course successfully.

    Once you finish editing, you may click on Submit to save your changes.

  2. Add: Add a course in the ToR by clicking on the +Add a New Component button.

    In the new dialog that appears, you can set the parameters:
    a. Component code
    b. Component Title: the course’s title.
    c. Grade: the student’s score for this course.
    d. Number of ECTS credits: the ECTS for this course.
    e. Successfully completed: by enabling this option, you state that the student has completed the specific course successfully.

    Once you finish adding all the information, you have to click on submit to save your new entry.

  3. Delete: Delete a course from the ToR.

Sending HEI - The ToR/OLA belongs to an outgoing student

After the Receiving HEI has finished the changes in the ToR, the EWP Dashboard user at the Sending HEI may view the ToR the Receiving HEI completed under the ToR menu section.

(view for the Sending HEI)

  1. View: view the auto-generated ToR, which is the Learning Agreement Table A + Changes to Table A (A2) and Table B + Changes to Table B (B2)


  1. Edit: Change a course's code, title, grade, ECTS. You can make the changes needed just by clicking on the yellow pencil icon:

    In the new dialog that appears, you can modify:
    a. Component Code
    b. Component Title: the course’s title.
    c. Grade: the student’s score for this course.
    d. Number of ECTS credits: the ECTS for this course.
    e. Successfully completed: by enabling this option, you state that the student has completed the specific course successfully.

    Once you finish editing, you may click on Submit to save your changes.

  2. Add: Add a course in the ToR by clicking on the +Add a New Component button.

    In the new dialog that appears, you can set the parameters:
    a. Component code
    b. Component Title: the course’s title.
    c. Grade: the student’s score for this course.
    d. Number of ECTS credits: the ECTS for this course.
    e. Successfully completed: by enabling this option, you state that the student has completed the specific course successfully.

    Once you finish adding all the information, you have to click on submit to save your new entry.

  3. Delete: Delete a course from the ToR.

Quick Guide:

  1. Accounts & Access (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  2. OLA - Start here (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

  3. Transcript of Records (ToR)

  4. Short-term Mobilities (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

  5. Applications & Nominations (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  6. Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  7. EWP Settings (enhanced EWP Dashboard)



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