Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

What is the Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager?

The Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (IIAM) is a tool that allows creating, negotiating and updating Inter-Institutional Agreements. Coordinators can overview and manage all the IIAs associated with their Higher Education Institution in the enhanced EWP Dashboard, as they could before, through this link: https://ewp-dashboard.eu/


What are the Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager functions?

The IIAM allows for digitising Inter-institutional Agreements as the key part of the mobility documentation and offers the following features: 

  • Indicate and upload all the key elements in the IIAs.

  • Stipulate the cooperation conditions per Higher Education Institution or smaller organisational units.

  • Communicate with the partner on the necessary updates in the IIA before signing.

  • Use the multiuser system to grant different levels of access to the staff involved in IIA administration.

  • Sign the IIA online and have a clear overview of the status of all the IIAs.

  • Terminate the IIA online.

  • Specify and update the general profile information about the Higher Education Institution stable for all the IIAs (also known as Factsheets) that will allow this useful information for incoming students be put at their fingertips via the Erasmus+ App.

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