GDPR Compliance and security

GDPR Compliance and security

The Erasmus Dashboard is a powerful tool designed to help higher education institutions manage the exchange students’ documentation. These mobility management processes entail access to personal data and are concerned by the implementation of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We strongly support the values of the GDPR and are committed to ensuring the highest level of compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. The Erasmus Dashboard and Online Learning Agreement system for students are designed to be compliant with GDPR and the compliance is also reflected in the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, which give more detailed explanations about the information we store, how it is collected, what it is used for and with whom it is shared.

We keep the principles of data protection, accuracy, storage limitation, accountability, data minimisation, purpose limitation, lawfulness, fairness and transparency at its core. Furthermore, we have implemented internal procedures to cater for other aspects of the GDPR and in line with good practices, we review our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and internal data protection policy on a regular basis and also provide our staff with relevant knowledge on data handling.

Who is “we”

“We” refers to the project consortium that has built and maintains the Online Learning Agreement/ Erasmus Dashboard and functions as the data collector, as well as the European Commission who is in charge of the Erasmus+ Programme and has co-funded this project. 

The project is carried out by the following partners: European University Foundation (coordinating institution), 8 universities (University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Lodz University of Technology (Poland), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Marburg (Germany), University of Alcala (Spain), University of Bergen (Norway), Erasmus University of Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France), and the Erasmus Student Network. 

The Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy can be found here:

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