Approve IIAs' Termination

Approve IIAs' Termination

After terminating the IIA, your partner will be notified about your termination and you are transferred to the Single View. The new status of the IIA is Terminated by You.

You may approve the IIA termination by clicking the Approve Termination button. You will have then to wait for the partner to approve the termination you requested in order for the IIA to be terminated and approved by all parties. The statuses of the IIA during the approval procedure will be either Termination Approved by Partner, Termination Approved by You, and when mutually approved, Termination Approved by All.


When you click the Approve Termination button a small window will pop up warning you that you are about to approve the termination of the IIA. You may proceed or cancel this action.

The last approval remains valid and you can revert it back to its previous state at any time until both of you and the partner HEI approve the IIA termination. More about the Revert IIA functionality can be found here Revert IIA.


After you confirm the approval of termination, the new status of the IIA is Termination Approved by All.


After the IIA is terminated and approved by all, there is no option to revert it back to its previously state. In case you decide that you need it again and you want to use it, you may modify it and send it to the partner to approve the IIA again. After it is mutually approved it may be considered again as valid and the agreement in effect. More information on how to Modify IIA can be found here https://esci-sd.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AgCpEg.

Quick Guide:

  1. Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  2. Updated EWP IIA API (version 7)

  3. Access & Default View of IIAM (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  4. Filter & Sort IIAs

  5. Review an IIA (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  6. Default IIA Data (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  7. New Digital IIA

  8. Upload IIAs

  9. Edit IIAs

  10. Modify IIAs

  11. Approve IIAs

  12. Terminate IIAs

  13. Approve IIAs' Termination Untitled-20240402-084537.png

  14. Revert IIA

  15. Delete IIA

  16. Notify Partner

  17. Export IIAs

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