Creating OLA (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)
  • In progress
  • Creating OLA (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    In this section, the different ways of creating OLAs are described. The most common errors and possible workarounds are also mentioned.

    Table of Contents:

    How can my Erasmus students use the OLA?

    There are two options:

    Option 1: HEI pre-filling the Online Learning Agreements via https://ewp-dashboard.eu

    Option 2: Students initiating the Online Learning Agreement via https://www.learning-agreement.eu

    Option 1: Prefilling OLAs

    In line with the analysis of our recent OLA users feedback survey, the OLA prefilling functionality has been updated and is now based on a CSV upload. Upon entering the data, the coordinator can overview the student list to make sure all the data is correct.

    To make sure you format the CSV correctly, please check the OLA upload template file below:

    How to upload prefilled OLAs

    The CSV files for creating prefilled students’ OLAs have to follow a specific format that is illustrated in the Excel spreadsheet template. This template file can be used with the most of the spreadsheet software, including Excel, LibreOffice and OpenOffice. The template can be used both by entering new values by hand or by pasting them from other files in bulk, but in the latter case make sure you are only pasting values, to avoid carrying over special formatting.

    Keep the headers from the template file in the final CSV, otherwise the data won’t be read correctly!

    In the guide file, the headers clarify the validation rules the various fields have to follow in order to be correctly read. By clicking on the columns’ headers, you will see a text explaining the formatting rules that your data should follow. Conditional formatting across columns will help you navigate large files and fix errors, highlighting in red those cells that need adjustments.

    1. Use the template guide to validate the content and the format of your CSV file and navigate to the Upload section under the OLA heading. 

    2. Click on Choose File and choose the CSV file you want to upload.

    3. Make sure you have checked the box under the Choose File option, that says I confirm, also on behalf of my HEI, that I have all the authorisations…. and click Upload.

    4. Check the preview to make sure all data are correct.

    5. If any change should be introduced, adjustments need to be made in the CSV file, prior to re-uploading. After making sure that all are correct, click again on Upload

    6. Wait for the upload process to be completed.

    7. Please note that prefilling Online Learning Agreements, students will receive an email notification to the indicated addresses inviting them to further edit and sign their OLA document on the platform. Erasmus Dashboard users can, in the meantime, see the OLAs under the status Unsigned.

    Common errors and how to fix them

    Please make sure to go through the material below to troubleshoot the process before reaching out.


    The date in the CSV file must be formatted like this: dd/mm/yyyy. This may cause issues when typing the date in Excel or while editing the CSV, because the software might recognize the input as a date and could format it using your national standard. In countries where this standard uses a different separator, for example, a period, the date may be formatted incorrectly.

    To avoid this issue, change the format of the cell from Date to Text.


    Please make sure there are no empty spaces in the email address’ cell checking whether there are no extra blank spaces before, in the middle or at the end of the address itself.

    Receiving institution

    Please, make sure that the Erasmus Code is correct and is not missing some parts (for example the digits at the end or the country letters at the beginning, the space or spaces after the country code are necessary). It is also possible that some extra spaces are making the code impossible to read. As a general rule, when the country code consists of only one letter, it is followed by two spaces, if the country code consists of two letters they are followed by one space only and if the country code consists of three letters, there are no spaces at all.

    Please, check if your CSV file upload works using the Erasmus code appearing in our template file before contacting us.

    Option 2: Student initiating OLA

    1. The mobile students can create their own OLA through the OLA platform (https://www.learning-agreement.eu) by completing the LA fields and signing it according to this guide. Among others, the students have to fill in the contact details of the responsible person at the sending HEI during the procedure.

    2. The responsible person of the sending HEI then receives an automatic notification email to review and sign the LA in the EWP Dashboard.

    Please, note that if the student has filled in wrong contact details of the responsible person in OLA platform, then the responsible person won’t be informed upon the OLA’s signature but will be able to log in, search and sign the OLA through EWP Dashboard.

    Quick Guide:

    1. OLA - Start here (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    2. Access and Default View (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    3. Creating OLA (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    4. Filter, accept and decline OLAs (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    5. Export OLAs

    6. Table C - Virtual Components (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    7. Authentication for Students (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)

    8. Automatic Recognition Information (enhanced EWP-Dashboard)