How can students change their OLA courses?

How can students change their OLA courses?


Students can only Apply changes to your OLA once it has already been approved by both the sending and receiving HEI.

To modify your OLA you need to:

1. Go to the page for the Table you want to apply changes to (either table A or B, or both, one after the other).

2. Click on Add component Final Table A2, the red button not the grey one.

Always Add

It doesn't matter if you want to delete or add courses, you still need to click on Add component. You will be able to choose if you are adding or deleting courses later on.

Do you need to:

 Delete one or more components/courses?

3. Copy and paste all data from the course you want to delete from Table A - Study programme at the Receiving institution to Final LA Table 2.

4. Choose Deleted from the dropdown menu.

5. Choose a reason for deletion.

Once you are done, you can either click on Add Component Final Table A2 to delete (or add) another course or you can simply click on Next if you are done.


A common error appears as follows:

In this case, please check that the name, code and semester of the course you are deleting are the same between Table A and Table A2. Make sure that white spaces match as well. If you originally wrote in the course as "Class 1 ", you will need to delete it as "Class 1 ", rather than "Class 1" (note the extra space at the end).

 Add one or more components/courses?

3. Write in name, code and number of ECTSs of the course you want to add.

4. Choose the semester.

5. Choose Added from the dropdown menu.

5. Pick a reason for addition.

Once you are done, you can either click on Add Component Final Table A2 to add (or delete) another course or you can simply click on Next if you are done.

Multiple changes

You can both add and delete courses in the same session, if you need to do so, without having to apply changes multiple times.

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