Erasmus+ App

Erasmus+ App

  • What is the Erasmus+ Mobile App?

The Erasmus+ Mobile App is a students' single point of entry into the Erasmus+ programme. The App will provide a broad range of information, tools and services to help students plan and carry out their exchange, supporting a first rate mobility experience.

Read more on the role of the Erasmus+ Mobile App in the European Student Card Initiative here: https://ec.europa.eu/education/education-in-the-eu/european-student-card-initiative_en

  • When will the updated Erasmus+ App be launched?

The launch of the updated Erasmus+ App is foreseen for late 2020. More functionalities will be added throughout 2021. 

  • Who is developing the Erasmus+ App?

The Erasmus+ App is developed by a consortium consisting of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), the European University Foundation (EUF) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who brings a lot of EWP and OLA-related expertise, is also involved. Furthermore the software provider EWORX, who has a longstanding experience of delivering digital solutions to the European Institutions in general and the European Commission in particular, also plays a central role in the development of this ambitious project.

  • What’s next?

Stay tuned for more updates to follow! Now the key focus is on development, but as the launch approaches we will be reaching out to you with more information. ESN local sections might also get in touch to ask you to explore the App and help promote it towards your students.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What are the upcoming functionalities for the first release?

The first release of the new App will include the following functionalities:

  • Mobility Journey guiding the student through all phases of mobility: before, during and after
  • Tips, events, services, discounts: information from other students, HEIs and student organisations
  • Online Learning Agreement updates 
  • European Student Identifier and authentication solution that will pave the way for accessing student services across EU

A second release in 2021 will include more advanced services, including support for digital European Student Cards and the ability to let students apply for their Erasmus mobility directly through the App. 

  • Our University already has our own App for (mobile) students - what should we do then?

It is great that you already have an app to support your students and you can keep using it. The Erasmus+ App caters primarily for the needs of mobile students, providing access to information and services when they embark on the Erasmus experience and will contribute to illustrating the pool of opportunities that are available to your students across the EU.

  • What kind of information will be displayed in the App? 

There are many different types of information that the App will display, but the pre-defined content will be prepared by the project consortium together with the European Commission and student organisations (as was the case with the original App).

The App will also have information published by universities, such as that contained in the IIA General Data. Another category of data points will come from student organisations themselves, be it ESN, ESU, AEGEE or others. 

Last but not least, students themselves will also be invited to co-create useful data points for fellow students, an idea that is already implemented in the current App. 

  • What if my university participates in Erasmus Without Paper via an in-house system or a third-party provider - can we also use the App?

Certainly. Much of the information App users will have access to is not related to EWP, and the same is true for several of the App services. Advanced functionalities like applying to go abroad will be available as an opt-in (meaning it needs not replace other solutions you might have already in place) and will be integrated with EWP. We will make sure that as such a functionality becomes available the necessary documentation is also published, and while configuring certain steps and options of the App might still require you to rely on the Erasmus Dashboard this will not supersede your in-house or third-party provided system.

  • As a University, what should we do next to take advantage of the new App?

  1. Consider becoming a part of eduGAIN to ensure your students can login with their academic credentials (if that’s not already the case).
  2. Work with local ESN sections and student organisations to spread the word when launch approaches.
  3. Try it out with your students and see how it can help support your work.

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