ESCI Community Service Desk update September

ESCI Community Service Desk update September

The ESCI Service Desk has been supporting the higher education community and students for over 5 months by answering questions concerning the EWP Dashboard, Erasmus Without Paper, the Erasmus App and the Online Learning Agreement. No less than 2,002 out of 2,261 tickets are dealt with. Most of the tickets are answered within one day and resolved within two working days.

When looking at the student population that contacted the Service Desk, the vast majority had questions about the Online Learning Agreement (90% of all student tickets). Login-related queries are second (5% of student tickets), while only a small percentage needed support about the Erasmus App (1% of tickets). 

On the non-student side, most questions concerned the EWP Dashboard (40%), while about 20 percent issued a ticket specifically about the IIA-functionality and 9 percent about LAs. When differentiating between request types, half of contacts were about technical/system problems while one quarter reached out to the Service Desk requesting information and guidance.

It goes without saying that the ESCI Community Service Desk remains at your service and the support for the community will be further expanded and enhanced as part of the Interoperability Reinforcement Plan. Expect more news towards the end of October!

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