Technical documentation
Technical documentation
Information for colleagues with a technical background
We have dedicated information on the technicalities of Erasmus Without Paper, eduGain and the European Student Identifier. We therefore encourage you to consult the following technical resources:
Developers guide of Erasmus Without Paper written by and for developers: EWP developers guide
Erasmus Without Paper Github, a common space for all EWP-related Git projects: https://github.com/erasmus-without-paper
MyAcademicID website with technical documentation: https://myacademic-id.eu/the-project/resources-and-tools
Géant Wiki with information on joining eduGAIN: https://wiki.geant.org/display/eduGAIN/eduGAIN+Home
Géant Wiki with information about the European Student Identifier: https://wiki.geant.org/display/SM/European+Student+Identifier
- Géant wiki with information about the EWP Admin: https://wiki.geant.org/display/SM/EWP+Admin+Role
- Erasmus+ App API documentation: https://erasmusapp.eu/api-documentation/