Compliance FAQs

Compliance FAQs

  • How are the different infrastructures - OLA, Erasmus Dashboard and Erasmus+ App connected?

Erasmus Dashboard is the backoffice accessible only to the Higher Education Institutions and allows to interact with the students using the Online Learning Agreement platform as well as Erasmus+ App and finalise the Erasmus+ mobility administrative aspects as well as support them with putting the most relevant information at their fingertips. 

  • What information on students do we collect?

We collect only the information necessary to fulfill the study-contract and provide the service of Online Learning Agreement. This includes – but is not limited to – name, surname, e-mail address, study cycle status, and status confirming participation in mobility. We also collect automatically generated information like the version of the operating system, mobile device information, etc.

  • What do we do with the information?

Our primary goal in collecting and using information is to create the user account, provide services, improve our services, contact the users, conduct research and create reports for the European Commission as well as internal use for the sole purpose to improve the services. We will never sell the data.

  • Why do we collect information?

Our aim is to understand the user needs and preferences in order to enhance the experience, provide and deliver services that are requested, and link or combine them with other information we receive from third parties, such as the home and host higher education institution as well as European Commission, in order to provide better information and advice for the students.

  • How do we protect information?

We take reasonable measures to protect the information from unauthorised access or against loss, misuse or alteration by third parties. Plus, we store your information in a secure operating environment that is encrypted and not available to the public.

All connections to the Online Learning Agreement student and higher education institution platform are encrypted and authenticated via a digital certificate; encryption is also used in the links circulated through the email notifications as well as in creation of user profiles. The respective databases are registered with the Luxembourg National Commission for Data Protection and the legally binding terms of use forbid the EUF and the ESN to disclose student data to third parties (sending/receiving HEIs not included).

  • How long do we keep your information?

We will retain your information for as long as needed to provide you with our services. 

  • Who receives the OLA?

The responsible people that have been indicated in the Online Learning Agreement will receive the notification to review the document and will be able to sign it. If the higher education institution has a specific central contact point that should receive and distribute all Online Learning Agreements - this email will be automatically pre-filled in your OLA for you to know who will receive the notification first and be able to forward it to the right staff member to finalise the documentation. 

If you have any concerns you can reach out to the support@erasmusapp.eu or dashboard@uni-foundation.eu or ask the corresponding higher education institution to decline or delete the Online Learning Agreement.   

  • Where can the user cancel their consent?

Consent can be withdrawn at any time. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you with services, contact us at support@erasmusapp.eu or dashboard@uni-foundation.eu

  • How can the user delete their account and what happens with the data?

The user can delete their account by giving us notice on such wish for account cancellation/deletion. We reserve the right to check whether deletion at the given time is possible. In case deletion is possible we will delete the account and therefor all your given information immediately.  In case an immediate deletion is impossible you will receive information when a complete deletion is possible as well as information on the reason therefor. Possible reasons, but are not limited to, are:

  • Fulfilment of a contract;
  • Securing potential legal claims;
  • Obligation to preserve records;

all in the frame of the legal obligations for the beneficiaries of Erasmus+ Programme funding from the European Commission.

  •  What happens with the “old” Online Learning Agreements?  

Due to the legal requirements of the Erasmus+ Programme, the beneficiaries still need to be able to show the proof of all needed documentation in case of audit also after the end of the actual mobility. Hence, the Online Learning Agreements are still available in the Erasmus Dashboard and Online Learning Agreement platform. You can download and archive them, if needed, or just filter the current semester to interact with the students. 

  • How can the user change the data in the OLA? 

You have the possibility to change the data in your account or please reach out to support@erasmusapp.eu or dashboard@uni-foundation.eu for further details and inquiries. 

  • Who is “we”

“We” refers to the project consortium which has built and maintains the Online Learning Agreement and functions as the data collector, as well as the European Commission who is in charge of the Erasmus+ Programme and has co-funded this project. 

The project is carried out by the following partners: European University Foundation (coordinating institution), 8 universities (University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Lodz University of Technology (Poland), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Marburg (Germany), University of Alcala (Spain), University of Bergen (Norway), Erasmus University of Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Pantheon-Sorbonne University (France), and the Erasmus Student Network. 

  •  How can I check whether I am GDPR-compliant?

Getting in touch with your legal department is a good start to get an overview on what is necessary and which measures were already taken by your institution. Furthermore there is the possibility to contact your National Agency as well as Digital Officer at the NA for more information and guidance. Next to those options, we have created and are further developing documents to guide you through your GDPR-compliance yourself - see the Compliance section here.

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