IROs and the App

IROs and the App

The key goals of the Erasmus+ App - to provide an easy access to information and services and substantially improve the quality of Erasmus+ mobility experience - would not be possible without Higher Education Institutions. Therefore, the Universities will have several points of interaction with the App that will be gradually enabled throughout 2021.

Spring 2022

The new release of the App brought forth new processes and features:

  • HEI can be sure that their students won't apply by mistake using the App if that is not yet part of the process, as you can read in this page on new checks
  • A new living costs visualisation feature, which allows students to explore different cities and see expenditures from past exchange students, giving more clarity and information to those that want to go on mobility
  • Integration of the Erasmus Skills self-assessment tool, allowing students to take their quiz on the App and see their results

Autumn 2021

The application for the mobility module in the Erasmus+ App will be launched that will allow for the selection and nomination process for Erasmus+ mobility via the App. It will be based on the data from the Inter-institutional Agreements, so the finalisation of the Agreements, as well as the Default IIA data (previously known as the Factsheets), will allow students to view the opportunities and useful information on the exchange experience and be able to make well-informed decisions.

More information on the application and nomination module as well as on supporting digital student cards in the Erasmus+ App will be communicated in the months ahead.

Spring 2021

The Universities will be able to customise the Mobility Journey steps to personalise it specifically for their students' needs via a dedicated module in the Erasmus Dashboard  - a platform that is freely available to all Erasmus Charter for Higher Education holders. See more information here.

The Universities will also be able to share useful information such as Events or Deals to the App - see more information here.

Follow the webinar to learn more about the functionalities here.

Communications kit on how to introduce the Erasmus+ App to your students will also be added for your convenience in the EWP Competence Centre!

How to keep up to date?

The Erasmus Without Paper Competence Centre will stay as the hub with the latest information and will be constantly updated.

In addition, more information will be communicated via the social media and your National Agency.

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