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In this section, the steps to create an IIA are described.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

You can create an IIA by clicking on IIA>New Digital IIA in the enhanced EWP Dashboard:

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Step-by-step guide

1.Your Details

In the first step, you can choose the Organizational Unit from the drop down menu.

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You can also define your HEI’s Contact Persons about this particular IIA. You can add as many persons as needed by clicking the +Add Contact Person or remove any entry by clicking the trash bin icon.
After that, you have to click on Next to proceed.

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2. Partner Details

In the next page, you have to choose your partner’s details from the drop down menus, in the following speficic order:

  1. Institutional Country: the partner HEI’s country.

  2. Institutional City: the partner HEI’s city.

  3. Institution, SCHAC Code, Erasmus Code: the partner HEI’s name, SCHAC and Erasmus code respectively. Ιf you fill in any of these 3 fields, the rest 2 are automatically filled in as well.

  4. Organizational Unit: the partner HEI’s organizational unit this IIA concerns.

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You can also define the partner HEI’s Contact Persons about this particular IIA. You may add as many persons as needed by clicking the +Add Contact Person or remove any entry by clicking the trash bin icon.
After that, you have to click on Next to proceed or Back to go to the previous page.

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Note that, from this point on, you can pause creating the IIA and save your progress by clicking on Save as Draft button on the bottom of the page. The IIA will be available from the IIA List menu on the left (Status set as Draft).

3. Cooperation Conditions

In the next page, you can add the IIA’s cooperation conditions by clicking on +Add a New Condition button.

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a. Mobility numbers per academic year

In this section you have to define:

  1. the Sender and Receiving HEI for this cooperating condition. Choose the appropriate SCHAC codes from the drop down menus.

  2. the Sender and Receiving Organizational Unit, from the drop down menus.

  3. the Mobilities per Year: the maximum number of people to be sent each academic year.

  4. the Start and End Academic Year of the cooperating condition.

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b. Subject Area

In this section you can click on the +Add Subject Area and choose the subject’s ISCED Code related to this cooperating condition. You may also add a short description about the chosen subject. You can as many Subject Areas a needed or remove one by clicking on the trash bin icon.

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c. Mobility Type

In this module you can choose one of the available mobility types:

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Student Studies & Student Traineeships

If you choose the Student Studies & Student Traineeships mobility type, you have to fill the following fields:

  1. Duration: the mobility’s mobilities' duration. Fill in the sum of months for all students (e.g., 10 students on a 6-month mobility gives a duration of 60 months).

  2. Study Cycle: choose the EQF Level(s) for this mobility.

  3. Blended Mobility Option: by choosing Yes in the Blended Mobility Option, the partners confirm that they are willing to exchange students who wish to carry out their mobility in a blended format, a combination of a short-term physical mobility with a virtual component.

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Staff Teachers & Staff Trainings

If you choose the Staff Teachers & Staff Trainings mobility type, you have to fill the following mobility’s duration in days:

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sum of days for all staff members (e.g., 4 staff members on a 20 days mobility gives a duration of 80 days):

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d. Recommended Language Skills

Here you can add a recommended language level, by filling the fields:

  1. Language of Instruction

  2. Language of Instruction Level

  3. ISCED F-Code

  4. ISCED Clarification

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It is mandatory to enter at least one language and you can add as many languages as needed by clicking on the +Add Language button or remove one by clicking on the trash bin icon.

e. Sending & Receiving Contact Persons

In these section you can fill the contact information of the sending and receiving persons':

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You can add as many Contact Persons as needed by clicking on the +Add Sending/Receiving Contact Person button or remove one by clicking on the trash bin icon.

f. Other Information

Lastly, you can add any other information about this particular cooperating condition.

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Once you fill all the fields that are essential for this cooperating condition, you have to click on the ✔️ Add this Condition green button on the bottom of the page:

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The cooperation condition is now created and appears with the following format:

Mobility Type: sending HEI → receicing HEI / Study Fields: ISCED F-Codes

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You can view all the cooperating condition’s sections by clicking everywhere on the white frame:

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You can also edit the cooperating condition by opening it and clicking on the Edit Condition button on the bottom:

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Once you add all the conditions that are needed, you can click on Next to proceed or Back to go to the previous page on the bottom of the page.

Note that you can pause creating the IIA and save your progress by clicking on Save as Draft button on the bottom of the page. The IIA will be available from the IIA List menu on the left (Status: Draft).

4. Overview & Submit

In this section you can view all the IIA’s details before you submit it.

a. General Info

This field contains details about your and your partner’s HEI.

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b. Your Factsheet Data & Partner Factsheet Data

This contains your and your partner HEI’s default IIA Data.

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c. Cooperation Conditions

This field is an overview of all created cooperation conditions for this IIA.

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d. Submit the IIA

In order to submit the IIA you have to confirm that you are authorized to do so, by checking the confirmation box:

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After that, you can click on the Submit button on the bottom of the page:

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Note that you can pause creating the IIA and save your progress by clicking on Save as Draft button on the bottom of the page. The IIA will be available from the IIA List menu on the left (Status: Draft).

If you click on Submit, you will automatically be transferred to the IIA’s Single View.You can find more information regarding the Single View of an IIA in this guide: Review an IIA (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

Quick Guide:

  1. Inter-Institutional Agreement Manager (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  2. Updated EWP IIA API (version 7)

  3. Access & Default View of IIAM (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  4. Filter & Sort IIAs

  5. Review an IIA (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  6. Export IIAs Default IIA Data (enhanced EWP Dashboard)

  7. New Digital IIA 📌 Default IIA DataIIA Untitled-20240402-082708.pngImage Added

  8. Upload IIAs

  9. Edit IIAs

  10. Modify IIAs

  11. Approve IIAs

  12. Terminate IIAs

  13. Approve IIAs' Termination

  14. Revert IIA

  15. Delete IIA

  16. Notify Partner

  17. Export IIAs