Contact information

Contact information

EWP contact email

Use this email in case of any issue which should be reported directly to the EWP technical team supporting the EWP network, the Registry, the Registration portal, the Stats portal, the Monitoring system.

EWP providers mailing list

The EWP providers mailing list brings together the EWP technical community and is open to participants representing nodes in the network. Members of the technical teams are invited to subscribe to this mailing list to be regularly informed about meetings (like Infrastructure Forum meetings), events, and actions related to the EWP Network.

Send the subscription request here (link opens your email client).

ESCI Community Service Desk

The ESCI Community Service Desk was created to support the EWP community. Users facing different issues while exchanging data through the network are encouraged to report them directly to the service desk.

This space is open to the EWP technical community colleagues as well and can also be used to report issues that HEI users experience with data exchanges between the software they use and that of other providers.


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