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General questions


titleIs the use of EWP mandatory?

In March 2019 the European Commission announced that the EWP standards will be mandatory from the beginning of the new Erasmus Programme in January 2021. The timetable they put forward was: 
    2021: Online learning agreements
    2022: Inter-institutional agreements
    2023: Nominations and Transcripts of records

In practice there are 3 ways to do this:
A HEI implements the APIs itself
A HEI uses a third party software tool
A HEI uses the EWP/Erasmus Dashboard

A combination is possible, but you cannot combine tools for the same API service  (e.g. usin,g the Dashboard AND commercial software simultaneouslty for Learning agreements)  

In practice, this means that HEIs can gradually introduce the changes, even though the EWP Network already has operational APIs for all of the processes in student exchanges as we speak. For a detailed description of the EWP APIs click hereOur third-party provider EWP partners (Mobility Online (AT), MoveON (UK), USOS (PL), Cineca (IT), Sigma (ES), FS (No)), have committed to implement all APIs in their business development plan, but the exact timetable is, of course, their own responsibility.  
Finally, the EWP/Erasmus Dashboard will be fully EWP compatible as of early 2021.

You could also start with one solution for a particular API  service and later on change to another one, as long as you don't use two solutions for the same service at the same time. 


titleWhat are APIs and how do I use them?

The functionality of the EWP Network is defined by its APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), i.e. services (specified in the GitHub platform) which can be used by network participants to exchange data. Each API specifies how to connect to the EWP Network for a specific purpose. There are APIs to identify HEIs and others to create and exchange Nominations, Interinstitutional Agreements, Learning Agreements, Courses, Transcript of Records and many more. New APIs (with new services)  can be added to the EWP Network at any time. A summary and description of the EWP APIs can be found here

titleWill my institution need to assign a technical person / developer to be able to join the network?

The answer depends on what category of user you are. If you are an HEI without any dedicated mobility software, you can use the EWP/Erasmus Dashboard (for Online Learning Agreements and/or Interinstitutional Agreements) to connect to the EWP Network. If you use a third-party provider they will be connecting you to the EWP Network. But if you have your own internal Student Information System (SIS) mobility software, you will need to have ICT support to connect your software to the EWP Network and implement the APIs. In that case there are 2 main tasks that have to be done:
1. the server of your HEI has to be connected to the EWP Network (giving the EWP APIs access to the data stored in the databases - this is implemented in the backend of your system) but
2. your present software interface has to be adapted as well to give the user access to the new possibilities - this part has to be implemented in the frontend of your system). Some would also call this distinction server-side and client-side implementation respectively.
Your technical solution 
may combine several types of implementation as a start (e.g using third party software for some services, your own system for others and the Dashboard for Online Learning agreements and/or the Interinstitutional Agreement Manager)  but you always have to make sure that the same service (API) is implemented by only 1 solution. You can, therefore, implement APIs in a phased way. 


titleHow and when will the EWP Network connect to the Mobility Tool+?

EWP and the Mobility Tool+ (MT+)  team have been working to connect the EWP Network to the MT+. At present specifications have been developed and agreed upon and basic connectivity realised; furthermore, the University of Porto created a network node for the exclusive usage of MT+. This network node will handle all the security and verification steps pertaining to requests made from the EWP Network directed to the MT+, and ensure the connection with their servers. The node also handles responses from the MT+ servers and ensures their accurate delivery to the relevant node in the EWP network. Furthermore, three relatively simple APIs, for reading data from the tool were designed, tested and posted in the PROD Network. The more important APIs -  for the automatic reporting of the mobility data - are still being developed and tested by the involved technical teams. 


If you have a question that you think is worth including or you feel a particular answer is not clear enough, let us know.

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