Combination of systems

Combination of systems

The Erasmus Without Paper architecture is constructed in such a way that you can use a combination of systems (Erasmus Dashboard, third-party mobility software, in-house built mobility software) for exchanging mobility-related information. The complete mobility process is cut into several sub-processes (in technical terms APIs) that require a data exchange between the sending and the receiving institution. This makes it possible to use different tools for different sub-processes. In order to all link them together and to identify students, the unique European Student Identifier implemented by the MyAcademicID project is of crucial importance.

The sub-processes are the following:

  • Institutional information and contacts

  • Mobility factsheet (default data on Inter-institutional agreements) and approval of inter-institutional agreements by both partners (online)

  • Learning agreements (online approval)

  • Nominations

  • Making courses from the courses catalogue available (link with learning agreement and Transcript of Records)

  • Transcript of Records for incoming students

It is perfectly possible to use a commercial system for institutional info and contacts, mobility factsheet and approval of IIAs but use the EWP Dashboard for the Online Learning Agreement. Transcript of Records could be shared directly from the in-house Student Information System.

A combination of systems is only possible for different sub processes (APIs or combinations of APIs). It is not possible to connect via different tools for one and the same sub-process.

Combining tools does not mean that data can automatically be migrated from one tool to another. For example: if you manage your learning agreements in the Erasmus Dashboard, the courses kept in the Erasmus Dashboard will not be automatically transferred to your in-house system that you want to use for issuing a Transcript of Records.