Upcoming Functionalities

Upcoming Functionalities

Below you can acquire the information on the work in progress and the functionalities to be introduced shortly. The features covered here stem from the ongoing feedback received from the helpdesk tickets and as well as overall usability and security updates introduced. 

Upcoming updates

  • 12 December 2022: the first modules of the enhanced Dashboard will go live: EWP applications & nominations and the EWP Online Learning Agreements via both the existing interface and the new one. Also see the specific section about the enhanced EWP Dashboard.
  • 30 December 2022: Inter-Institutional Agreement module will become partially available in the enhanced Dashboard, enabling you to get acquainted with the new filtering, visualization and download options for IIA.
  • 30 January 2023: from this date onwards the Applications & Nominations, Inter-Institutional Agreements and Learning Agreements modules of the current Dashboard will be disabled, remaining fully available and functional in the enhanced Dashboard.
  • Permissions category for the EWP Settings editing.
  • IIA export in pdf form and weekly email updates functionality.

Recent updates

In the EWP Dashboard and the Online Learning Agreement 

Online Learning Agreement management in with the EWP Network - Q3 2021

The digital Learning Agreements can be exchanged with all other EWP Network partners. Please see more information and guidelines on these novelties here.

In the EWP Dashboard and the Erasmus+ App

Sharing information to the Erasmus+ App - Q2 2021

Module for interacting with Erasmus+ App by sharing events, deals and services as well as customizing Mobility Journey steps. See more information about the functionality here.

In the EWP Dashboard and the Online Learning Agreement 

Online Learning Agreement management in line with the official LA template in the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ Program - Q1 2021

The Learning Agreements can be managed in line with the new template for:

  • Semester mobility
  • Blended mobility with short-term physical mobility
  • Short term doctoral mobility

See more introduction to these updates here. Please see more information and guidelines on these novelties here: New LA template.

In the EWP Dashboard

Filtering the current semester students in the default view - Q1 2021

When opening the EWP Dashboard the default view will include the students from the given semester. Correspondingly, the search and filtering results will be displayed in the scope of the given semester, while all the other cohorts of students are just a click away by applying the specific academic year via the filter. 

In the EWP Dashboard

Direct url for a specific OLA - Q4 2020

A link to a specific OLA can be shared among the colleagues who will be able to interact with the specific document directly upon login (no need for search/filter of the OLAs) as well as when receiving email notifications inviting to review the OLAs.

Improvements in the registration procedure - Q4 2020

To avoid duplicate registrations for the main institutional account holder, a pop-up will inform the user if the given Higher Education Institution already has a main institutional account holder and to gain access staff member should get in touch with their IRO.
New staff accounts need to be initiated by the colleagues who have the permissions to grant access to the system within the given Institution. See more information on the page on the registration to the Erasmus Dashboard and on the page explaining the staff account creation procedure.

Deletion of OLAs option - Q4 2020

Sending HEIs can delete their OLAs at any stage that will trigger a notification to the student and Receiving HEI, if they have already signed it. Receiving HEI cannot delete the OLAs where the HEI is indicated as the host HEI.

Improvements in OLA import - Q4 2020

More features to ensure more transparency in the upload progress as well as adjustments needed in the import file.

In the Online Learning Agreement

Versioning for students - Q4 2020

On the OLA platform, students can find a log with all the previously signed versions of their document by clicking on the "History" option.

Authentication solution updates - Q4 2020

All login options are now available directly on the MyAcademicID proxy - eduGAIN, google login as well as eIDAS. So the google login button has been removed merging the access pathways to just one "login" that will service all three scenarios.

Students who previously used the google login for authentication will be able to access their accounts by clicking on "Login" in the OLA platform and after being re-directed to the MyAcademcID login page will be able to choose to log in with their google account as before, after finalizing a simple registration procedure on the MyAcademicID proxy. This step is needed to ensure a smooth OLA exchange via the EWP Network.

In the Inter-institutional Agreement Manager 

Filters, search and sorting - Q4 2020

Inter-institutional Agreement Manager now allows for using a variety of options of search, filtering and sorting of the IIAs in the list that can also be combined. 

Import of IIAs - Q4 2020

IIAs can now also be imported in bulk via a csv file created in a spreadsheet software (e.g. LibreOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel), allowing for the creation of multiple IIAs at the same time.

Deletion of IIAs - Q4 2020

Draft IIAs can be deleted - if not signed by both parties.

Novelties as per the new official IIA template - Q4 2020

As per surveys feedback, comment boxes have been added to the official template to allow further elaborations on the ISCED code/subject field as well as the IIA at large. See the updated template here.