War in Ukraine - Student Support Centre

War in Ukraine - Student Support Centre

In response to the dramatic events unfolding in Ukraine, we have developed a portal to provide information about assistance offered by Higher Education Institutions to students fleeing the war. If you would like to help us broadcast how your University is stepping up and making a difference please follow the instructions below and share information about the initiative to make sure the information can help those in need.

Step-by-step guide

To add or update information about your institution, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://www.erasmus-dashboard.eu/account/login and log in (Step 1a). If your institution is not registered yet, create an account on https://www.erasmus-dashboard.eu/institution/registration (Step 1b).
    1. Log in with your email and password.
    2. Register: Only one main institutional account needs to be created per HEI (please remember to use an institutional email address), which can then nominate other staff members to use the Dashboard. Once your main institutional account has been validated by the European University Foundation, you will receive an email. For more information see this article.

  2. Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the starting page of the Dashboard. On this page under the ‘My University’ section, you will find ‘Ukraine.

3. On the Ukraine page, fill out the information for your institution in the designated fields and save. You can always update information as the situation evolves.

The information you provide will automatically update the data on the https://ukraine.uni-foundation.eu/ website. 

The portal is being translated to the Ukrainian language and will be made accessible also in this language shortly.