Visibility in the Erasmus+ App 

Visibility in the Erasmus+ App 

Augmenting Mobility Journey  

When a student has selected any specific Higher Education Institution as home or host, they would see more information as they browse through the Mobility Journey alongside the official information from the European Commission. 

See an example as to how it looks from the student perspective in the Erasmus+ App. 

Events and Deals 

The Events and Deals are displayed in the Erasmus+ App feed as well as the map view and is based on the Home and Host Higher Education Institution indicated.  


Student selects Erasmus University Rotterdam as Home HEI and the University of Bergen as Host HEI.  

By default, they would see the map and feed with Events, Deals, Tips and Stories in:

  • Rotterdam (Home HEI) in the before and after mobility phases
  • in Bergen (Host HEI) in the during mobility phases. 


Students see Events and Deals from the specific HEI only if they have indicated it in their profile as Home or Host HEI.

So if they are currently in Rotterdam, they would see e.g. all the Events from the student organistions in Rotterdam but only the Events from the Erasmus University Rotterdam if it is indicated as their Home HEI.

Student can always search for specific content and filter it by tags and by diverse locations.

E.g. search for all content tagged "Accommodation" - and find helpful Stories, Tips, Events and Deals on this matter. 

Or the Student can also click on the profile of a specific Higher Education Institution and see all the content submitted by this institution – so a summary of Events, Deals and Useful information that has been shared. 


You can also overview and remove the information shared to the App, should any adjustments be needed.