Add HEI-specific Events and Deals 

Add HEI-specific Events and Deals 

You can easily add new Events and Deals by filling in the form and submitting it. 

In this form, the Higher Education Institutions can add the following information: 

What: This section includes the basic description of the content consisting of the following data points: 

  • Title of the Event or Deal
  • Short summary
  • More information for the student explaining all the details   

Where: The content is geotagged and can also show on the map of the city where the student is located – so you can add the address, if relevant. 

For whom: This section allows you to specify the target audience via several categories. 

  • Conditions is an open text field that allows you to specify the preconditions of the Deal, if relevant. For example: "You have to be a student in University XYZ" or "You have to show your student card" etc. 
  • Programme indicates the target group – if it is applicable for Higher Education Students, Trainees or Erasmus Mundus track.
  • Mobility Phase is another means of organising the content in the App – helping the students understand if the information is relevant before, during or after their mobility and making sure they have access to most topical information at the right time.
  • Tags allow for a diverse content from Deals, Events, Tips and Stories are organised in the Erasmus+ App public feed, allowing the students to find the information on the topics of their interest, by searching and filtering the content in the App. 

When: You can also add the timeframe when the specific Event is taking place. 

Website:  This section allows for adding relevant links for the student. 

Image: You can add more visual content for illustration. 


Please note that the content is instantly displayed in the Erasmus+ App.  

You can always also overview and remove the information shared to the App, should any adjustments be needed. 

Please make sure to remove duplicate entries if re-submitting the content.