The signing rights under Mobilities OLA 3.0 are reserved for staff accounts as indicated in the list of users in "Accounts and Access" menu option. Hence the The main institutional account holders would are not be able to sign the Online Learning Agreements.
If the current main institutional holder needs to sign Online Learning Agreements, an update is necessary. A follow these steps:
1. Appoint a new legal representative needs to be appointed and register for in the Erasmus Dashboard account, while the . The previous main account holder will be removed from the position and needs to be added as staff account via "Accounts and Access" by the university.The notification message below could also show, if .
2. Add the previous main account holder as a “staff account” via “Accounts and Access”.
If you are accessing the platform via the direct link from an email invitation to review Online Learning Agreements, you might see the message below. Please simply log out from the session and log in the system with your email and password to review and sign/decline the Online Learning Agreement under Mobilities 3.0.
The notifications are triggered by any of the signatures or when the OLA proposal is declined.